Have a Heart

By jtrussell on Aug 21, 2021

Heart of the Forest might not always be fun, but it can make for a very interesting puzzle!

This time, Justin is torturing Seb with a funky Heart of the Forest brew that goes by the name of Cat Burglar Ovinius:

Cat Burglar Ovinius Archon Card

Cat burglar indeed!

It is now turn 73... Seb has no artifact control and is running out of patience! Justin has his entire deck in hand (thanks to the pair of Libraries) other than the following three cards, which make up his board:

Heart of the Forest and Double Library

Seb has two keys forged, seven aember in his pool, and no cards in play.

Justin has forged a single key so far this game, has no aember in his pool, and is about to start what promises to be his last turn, one way or another.

Can you help Justin win the game on this turn before Seb decides now is the perfect time to try his new Shredder variant?

Send solutions to [email protected] using the subject line "Have a Heart". One lucky (and correct) responder will win three sealed decks. Submissions will be accepted by midnight AoE on September 5th. Only your most recent submission before the deadline will be considered.